2007年11月13日 星期二

“創造一個有持續力的領導品牌“是我們共同追求的理想。Transform the brand image and strengthen the brand power.



我們曾經協助不同產業之客戶,範圍從娛樂、銀行業、保險、零售通路、飯店、科技業...等知名客戶如:上揚唱片、永慶房屋、玉山商業銀行、萬通銀行、太平洋建設集團、大陸中達電通、泰安產物保險、台中大買家、台灣聯合物流、遠來大飯店、高雄霖園大飯店、高雄華泰電子、智邦科技、伯慶美容事業集團、台灣華納音樂、New Balance 百貨原型店、Homebox生活素材館、T.Box宅修五金舖、大船企業集團、亮碧思集團、ZAKAYA日式生活雜貨屋、NutriMate 你滋美得健康食品、Qimonda 德國奇夢達記憶體、Fareast 遠東遊覽、淡水漁人碼頭景點⋯等等超過百家案例。


ImageSolution Inc., is a brand consulting company established in May, 2001, offering a multidisciplinary range of branding services, including brand research and valuation, brand positioning, naming and writing, corporate identity and consumer packaging design, environment and store identity design, brand equity management. We help our clients create, renew and strengthen their brand power.

Our clients come to us for many reasons. Some plan to introduce a new offering, enter a new channel, change their business model or expand into new markets. Some want to generate excitement among external audiences while others need to engage internal audiences in order to deliver the brand; still others seek to define and measure brand value, or reestablish their unique, relevant point of difference.

Their singular commonality is their desire to change perception and the opportunity it presents to enhance business performance by aligning brand with systems, processes, policies and behavior.

ImageSolution has solved branding problems of every kind for almost every industry of clients, ranging from entertainment, banking and insurance, technology, retailer and wholesale, to service industry. ImageSolution's current and past clients include some of the well known brands, such as Yungching Housing Co., E.Sun Commercial Bank, Farest Resort Hualien Hotel, PacificGroup, HannStar, A.B.Call, OSE, Accton, NutriMate, Warner Music Taiwan, New Balance, Qimonda, and ZAKAYA....etc.

For more information on our portfolio, please visit our website http://www.imagesolution.com.tw

ImageSolution Taipei Office
思索品牌形象設計公司 台北辦公室
